"Let Our Students' Stories Take Center Stage"

What would happen if students were empowered to shape their own stories to be used side-by-side with the classics in achieving narrative mastery and understanding their worlds?
Might the enduring understandings and essential questions that make up lesson plans be culled from the experience of writing in a classroom community, fostering new ways of sharing and listening that dare everyone in the classroom to care?
Might teachers of language arts, social studies, and even mathematics, find new pathways to igniting student interest and achievement, in places where more conventional approaches to reading and writing and listening and speaking have failed to bring mastery or ignite a spark?
We invite you to explore this curriculum sequentially.

An assets based curriculum to celebrate our young heroes, writing in the languages of their memories and dreams

Learn ways to guide students into seeing their stories as a key to understanding historical contexts and current events, while they imagine turning their stories into action
Here's a taste of our program in action
A Message from
our Founder
The notion of passing along the dare to care (the cornerstone of the Herstory approach) is simple. The ramifications are far reaching and profound, as we move out of silence into speech.